Our lab’s mission is to understand immune defense quantitatively using theory and computation.

Our research integrates mathematical modelling, machine learning, and immunology to decode the fundamental principles governing adaptive immune responses. By combining theoretical approaches with data-driven methods, we aim to uncover how immune repertoires evolve, respond to challenges, and contribute to disease pathology.

We are a research group in the Division of Infection and Immunity at UCL. Our approach to quantitative immunology is rooted in the tradition of biological physics and we are also part of the Institute for the Physics of Living Systems. Our research is embedded within the collaborative environment of the Innate2Adaptive lab group and we have strong links with experimental and theory groups at UCL and beyond.

You can find an overview of our research philosophy and research interests here or you can take a look at some of our recent publications. And finally, we have an open door policy for all of our lab meetings, so if you want to get a first-hand impression of what research questions we are most excited by at the moment email us and come stop by!

Selected News

Selected Publications

A Mayer, C Callan Measures of epitope binding degeneracy from T cell receptor repertoires, PNAS, 2023.

H Chen, A Mayer, V Balasubramanian A scaling law in CRISPR repertoire sizes arises from avoidance of autoimmunity, Current Biology, 2022.

MG Gaimann, M Nguyen, J Desponds, A Mayer, Early life imprints the hierarchy of T cell clone sizes, eLife, 2020.

A Mayer, Y Zhang, AS Perelson, NS Wingreen, Regulation of T cell expansion by antigen presentation dynamics, PNAS, 2019.

A Mayer, O Rivoire, T Mora, and AM Walczak, Diversity of immune strategies explained by adaptation to pathogen statistics, PNAS, 2016.