A community day for researchers in the quantitative life sciences from across London.
We aim to bring together researchers with an interest in quantitative immunology to create an opportunity for sharing knowledge and social exchange. The London Q-Immuno day will be a day of conviviality and scientific enthusiasm with a dynamic and informal atmosphere. Talks from invited speakers will be interleaved with short presentations by young investigators (contributions welcome!). The schedule includes ample breaks for discussions and, for those interested, we propose to conclude the day in a local pub.
Immunology is being transformed by the application of a multitude of quantitative methods. We want to foster discussions between researchers from diverse backgrounds: immunology, evolution, computational biology, evolution, systems biology, bio-informatics, mathematics and the physics of living systems. No matter your background, you are welcome to join us!
There is no registration fee, but we encourage prior registration to help us gauge attendance.
We will be joined by three featured speakers:
The schedule of the day will likely look like this:
We highly encourage you to contribute to the London Q-Immuno day - works in progress and contributions from early career researchers are particularly welcome!
There are three possible formats:
(1) a short talk during one of the main sessions
(2) a whiteboard talk: a talk without slides where you will explain your project interactively to a small audience with the support of a marker and a whiteboard
(3) a poster
If you would like to be considered for any of the three, please indicate so when registering. If you want to be considered for a short or whiteboard talk the deadline to submit a title and abstract is the 27th of March.
Matthew Cowley, Ursule Demaël, James Henderson and Andreas Tiffeau-Mayer.
The LDN Q-Immuno Day is made possible by UCL’s Institute of Immunity and Transplantation and Institute for the Physics of Living Systems.
It is part of a series of events organised by the informal London Quantitative Immunology Network. Please join our mailing list!