Source code for easyleed.base


Base class providing common functionality for analyzing Leed patterns.


import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import math

from . import config
from . import kalman
from . import logger

[docs]class SpotModel: """ Data model for a Spot that stores all the information in various lists. """ def __init__(self): self.x = [] self.y = [] self.intensity = [] = [] self.radius = [] def update(self, x, y, intensity, energy, radius): self.x.append(x) self.y.append(y) self.intensity.append(intensity) self.radius.append(radius)
[docs]class Tracker: """ Tracks spots through intensity information and velocity prediction. """ def __init__(self, x_in, y_in, radius, energy, x_c=None, y_c=None, input_precision=1, window_scaling=False): """ x_in, y_in: start position of spot """ self.radius = radius self.init_tracker(x_in, y_in, radius, energy, x_c, y_c, input_precision, window_scaling) def init_tracker(self, x_in, y_in, radius, energy, x_c, y_c, input_precision, window_scaling): if x_c and y_c: self.x, self.y = x_in - x_c, y_in - y_c self.r = (self.x**2 + self.y**2)**.5 self.v = - 0.5 * self.r / energy # calculate std. dev. of velocity guess # by propagation of uncertainty from the input precision v_precision = 2**.5 * 0.5 * input_precision / energy self.phi = np.arctan2(self.y, self.x) cov_input = np.diag([input_precision, input_precision, v_precision, v_precision])**2 self.kalman = kalman.PVKalmanFilter2(x_in, y_in, cov_input, energy, vx_in=self.v * np.cos(self.phi), vy_in=self.v * np.sin(self.phi)) else: cov_input = np.diag([input_precision, input_precision, 1000, 1000]) self.kalman = kalman.PVKalmanFilter2(x_in, y_in, cov_input, energy) self.window_scaling = window_scaling if self.window_scaling: self.c_size = energy**0.5 * self.radius def feed_image(self, image): npimage, energy = image if (not config.GraphicsScene_intensTimeOn) and self.window_scaling: self.radius = self.c_size / energy**0.5 if self.radius < config.Tracking_minWindowSize: self.radius = config.Tracking_minWindowSize if not config.GraphicsScene_intensTimeOn: processNoise = np.diag([config.Tracking_processNoisePosition, config.Tracking_processNoisePosition, config.Tracking_processNoiseVelocity, config.Tracking_processNoiseVelocity]) self.kalman.predict(energy, processNoise) x_p, y_p = self.kalman.get_position() guess = guesser(npimage, x_p, y_p, self.radius) if guess is not None: x_th, y_th, guess_cov = guess # spot in validation region? (based on residual covariance) if self.kalman.measurement_distance((x_th, y_th), guess_cov) > config.Tracking_gamma: print(" No spot in validation gate") else: self.kalman.update([x_th, y_th], guess_cov) x, y = self.kalman.get_position() intensity = calc_intensity(npimage, x, y, self.radius, background_substraction=config.Processing_backgroundSubstractionOn) return x, y, intensity, energy, self.radius
[docs]def guess_from_Gaussian(image, *args, **kwargs): """ Guess position of spot from a Gaussian fit. """ # construct circle where data is fit radius = 0.5 * min(image.shape) distances = calc_distances(image.shape, radius-0.5, radius-0.5, radius) circle = distances <= radius**2 # generate good guesses for the Gaussian distribution background = np.min(image) params = moments(image-background) params.append(background) errfunc = lambda p: np.ravel(gaussian2d(*p)(*np.indices(image.shape))[circle] - image[circle]) # fit Gaussian maxfev = 200 try: output = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, params, full_output=True, maxfev=maxfev) except: return None p_opt = output[0] p_cov = output[1] infodict = output[2] if infodict["nfev"] >= maxfev or p_cov is None: print(" Fit failed") return None # residual sum of squares sum (x_i - f_i)^2 sum_of_squares_regression = (errfunc(p_opt)**2).sum() # variance of the data sum (x_i - <x>)^2 sum_of_squares_total = ((image[circle]-np.mean(image[circle]))**2).sum() # calculate R^2 Rsq = 1 - sum_of_squares_regression / sum_of_squares_total if Rsq < config.Tracking_minRsq: print(" R^2 too low") return None # estimate sigma^2 from a chi^2 equivalent s_sq = sum_of_squares_regression/(len(image[circle].flatten())-len(params)) p_cov *= s_sq p_cov = p_cov[1:3, 1:3] x_res = p_opt[1] y_res = p_opt[2] return (x_res, y_res), p_cov
guesser_routines = {'Gaussian fit' : guess_from_Gaussian} try: import skimage.feature'imported scikit image package') def guess_from_blob_dog(image, *args, **kwargs): A = skimage.feature.blob_dog(image) if not A.shape[0]: print(" No blob found") return None print(' Blobs found', A) return (A[0, 1], A[0, 0]), np.diag([2, 2]) def guess_from_blob_log(image, *args, **kwargs): A = skimage.feature.blob_log(image, threshold=0.1) if not A.shape[0]: print(" No blob found") return None print(' Blobs found', A) return (A[0, 1], A[0, 0]), np.diag([2, 2]) guesser_routines['Blob dog'] = guess_from_blob_dog guesser_routines['Blob log'] = guess_from_blob_log except ImportError: pass def guesser(npimage, x_in, y_in, radius): def failure(reason):" No guess, because " + reason) print(reason) return None # try to get patch from image around estimated position try: func=guesser_routines[config.Tracking_guessFunc] fit_region_factor=config.Tracking_fitRegionFactor x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = adjust_slice(npimage, x_in-fit_region_factor*radius, x_in+fit_region_factor*radius+1, y_in-fit_region_factor*radius, y_in+fit_region_factor*radius+1) except IndexError: return failure(" Position outside image") image = npimage[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] result = func(image, x_mid=x_in-x_min, y_mid=y_in-y_min, size=radius) if result is None: return failure(" Fit failed") pos, cov = result y_res, x_res = pos x_res += x_min y_res += y_min return x_res, y_res, cov
[docs]def gaussian2d(height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y=None, offset=0): """Returns a two dimensional gaussian function with the given parameters""" if width_y is None: width_y = width_x return lambda x, y: np.asarray(height * np.exp(-(((center_x - x) / width_x)**2 + ((center_y - y) / width_y)**2) / 2)) + \ offset
[docs]def moments(data): """ Calculates the moments of 2d data. Returns [height, x, y, width_x, width_y] the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution by calculating its moments. """ total = data.sum() X, Y = np.indices(data.shape) x = (X*data).sum()/total y = (Y*data).sum()/total if math.isnan(x): x = 0 if math.isnan(y): y = 0 col = data[:, int(y)] width_x = np.sqrt(abs((np.arange(col.size)-y)**2*col).sum()/col.sum()) row = data[int(x), :] width_y = np.sqrt(abs((np.arange(row.size)-x)**2*row).sum()/row.sum()) height = data.max() return [height, x, y, width_x, width_y]
[docs]def adjust_slice(image, x_sl_min, x_sl_max, y_sl_min, y_sl_max): """ Adjusts slice if it is trying to get pieces outside the image. >>> image = np.ones((2, 2)) >>> adjust_slice(image, 0, 1.5, 0, 2) (0, 1, 0, 2) >>> adjust_slice(image, -5.5, 2, -0.5, 10) (0, 2, 0, 2) """ ymax, xmax = image.shape adjusted = False indices = [int(x_sl_min), int(x_sl_max), int(y_sl_min), int(y_sl_max)] for i, value in enumerate(indices): if value < 0: indices[i] = 0 adjusted = True for i, value in enumerate(indices): if i < 2: if value > xmax: indices[i] = xmax adjusted = True else: if value > ymax: indices[i] = ymax adjusted = True if adjusted: logger.warning(" slice had to be adjusted to fit image.") if not int(indices[0] - indices[1]) or not int(indices[2] - indices[3]): raise IndexError() return tuple(indices)
[docs]def calc_distances(shape, x, y, squared=True): """ Helper function that returns an array of distances to x, y. This array can be useful for fancy indexing of numpy arrays. squared: return the squared distance (default: True) """ yind, xind = np.indices(shape) distSquare = ((yind - y)**2 + (xind - x)**2) if not squared: return distSquare**.5 return distSquare
def signal_to_background(npimage, x, y, radius): distSquare = calc_distances(npimage.shape, x, y) signal = np.mean(npimage[distSquare <= radius**2]) # average background intensity over annulus with equal area background = np.mean(npimage[np.logical_and(distSquare >= radius**2, distSquare <= 2 * radius**2)]) return signal/background
[docs]def calc_intensity(npimage, x, y, radius, background_substraction=config.Processing_backgroundSubstractionOn): """ Calculates the intensity of a spot. npimage: numpy array of intensity values x, y: position of the spot radius: radius of the spot background_substraction: boolean to turn substraction on/off """ distSquare = calc_distances(npimage.shape, x, y, squared=True) intensities = npimage[distSquare <= radius**2] intensity = np.sum(intensities) if background_substraction: # average background intensity over annulus with approximately equal area background_intensities = npimage[np.logical_and(distSquare >= radius**2, distSquare <= 2 * radius**2)] area = len(intensities) intensity -= np.mean(background_intensities) * area return intensity
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